Countless fantastic photo opportunities lay along the Fundy coast. Whether looking for an urban or rural backdrop, surreal natural scenes or local culture shots, the Bay of Fundy is simply a photographer’s paradise.
Imagine photographing one of the world’s few right whales as it breeches out of the Fundy waters or during fall foliage getting a picture so perfect of the colourful reflection on the water’s surface that you cannot tell which side is up. Imagine photographing the streetscapes of Canada’s first incorporated city as the sun sets, an endangered peregrine falcon soaring overhead or a bank of fog as it lifts off the Bay of Fundy. The possibilities are truly endless.
A few suggestions:
- Sunset over the Algonquin Resort in St. Andrews, NB
- Fishing weirs among the Fundy Isles, NB
- Roosevelt’s Cottage on Campobello Island, NB
- High, low and slack tide at Reversing Rapids in Saint John, NB
- Historic Trinity Royal Preservation area in Saint John, NB
- Twin covered bridges in St. Martins, NB
- Fall Foliage on the Fundy Trail, NB
- Dickson Falls in Fundy National Park, NB
- Towering sea cliff near Parrsboro, NS
- The gardens surrounding Grand Pre National Historic Site in NS
- Cape Split in Nova Scotia
- Apple Blossoms in Kentville, NS
- Historic Fort Anne in Annapolis Royal, NS
- Scallop fleet in Digby, NS
- Balancing Rock in Tiverton, NS
Karl Swift
Love it! I can’t wait to get out there next summer..
Hi Karl
Noticed your comment
Let us know if we can be of any help with your advenures on Grand Manan or the Fundy Isles. We also operate in Newfoundland
Thank you for your interest in NB
Bob (Eastern Outdoors)