The World’s Best Dulse

Dried Dulse
Dried Dulse

Somewhat of an acquired taste, dulse is an edible red seaweed that grows in intertidal zones in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific Oceans. Dulse picked off the coast of Grand Manan Island is said to be the best in the world, specifically that harvested in Dark Harbour. The high cliffs along this western section of the island shade the intertidal zones, protecting the dulse from too much sunlight and therefore producing a darker, thicker and more flavourful seaweed.

Dulse is harvested by hand at low tide from June through September. The dulse fronds – its leaflike growths – range in size from 20-40cm or 8-16in. When picked, a portion of the frond is left behind so that the plant will continue to grow. During the peak summer months, dulse grows so fast that the same shores may be picked every two weeks – during full moon and new moon.

Dulse on a Rock
Dulse grows on Fundy's ocean floor

Once picked, the dulse is spread out to be dried. Once dried, it is often eaten as is or can also be ground into flakes or powder to be later used in various recipes.

According to the Grand Manan Tourism Association (2011), dulse is an excellent source of dietary requirements with just one handful containing 100% of the daily-recommended intake of Vitamin B6, 66% of B12, a day’s supply of iron and fluoride and is also relatively low in sodium while high in potassium.

This was the 25th article in our “52 Reasons to visit the Bay of Fundy” series. The famous Flower Pot Rocks were last week’s reason to visit the Bay of Fundy. Don’t forget to mark your calendar or use the RSS feed so you won’t miss the 26th reason next week!

120 comments received

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    Toni Smith

    I grew up on Delts which none of my friends could understand haha My supplier of many many years closed up shop and I’m so thankful that I found Colton with Dark Harbour. He was very helpful in getting me what I wanted, and his $100 worth was huge compared to other places I tried. So glad I found him! My order must have been packaged and mailed immediately because I received it within a week. Thanks Colton with Dark Harbour Colton! I will be back!

    Diane Demidow

    Hi, born n bred bluenoser but living in Ontario. Looking to find someone who ships to Ontario. Can you please give me information regarding this including costs.

    Thank you, Diane

    toni smith

    hi am looking to buy the same dulse that slocum and ferris sold before they closed in the city market. do you know where i can buy this product? thank you in advance Toni from Phoenix AZ

    Dark Harbour Dulse INC

    Fresh Dulse from 2024 harvest season, available in 5,10,15,25 LB boxes! P


      Looking for bulk wholesale pricing on dulse!
      Kind regards

    Martha Dawson (Marti)

    I love roasted, salted &/or seasoned Nori. Does your Red Seaweed/Dulse taste similar ? Can it be found here in Southern California, USA ? Or can order it online. Is it $%$$ ? Thanks ! 🙂

    Josh Y

    Hi! I am looking to purchase bulk certified-organic Irish moss powder. Does anyone have any leads?

      Tim B

      acadian seaplants, google them

      Mark D

      We have certified organic Irish moss powder available in bulk. It is $19 per pound. We can provide C of A and other test results upon request. We are HACCP certified, and have the required Safe Food for Canadians license from CFIA.

    Victoria Beatty

    I would like to order dulse in bulk. Where is the order/ prices page?

      Dark Harbour Dulse

      Please feel free to contact us at this email, we are accepting pre orders for all sea vegetables for upcoming harvest season. Products directly from the harvesters!

    Dark Harbour Dulse

    Only Dark Harbour Dulse is the best! Cheap bulk pricing. Please email [email protected] (5LB minimum order) #darkharbourdulse

    Steven Bass

    The dulse I sell is clean and dry, the way it should be. I have been harvesting dulse for 51 seasons. I started harvesting dulse at the age of 10 years old. I worked with my Dad in the dulse harvest every summer from the time I was Ten years old. If you have any questions on how to keep dulse or freeze dulse for the winter, please contact me at 506-662-5852, e-mail address is [email protected] Thanks.

      Karen Dube

      How much is your dulse per lb. Thanks

    Steven Bass

    Hi ,yes I am still in the business of harvesting and selling dulse. I also sell dulse flakes. My phone number is 506-662-5852. My e-mail address is [email protected]

    Helen Kendall

    As a Cape Bretoner living for years in New Hampshire..I was pleased to see all the former Maritmers,etc looking for the Grand Manan Dulse.I’ve read its the best in the world.I have left a message for Steven Bass on his cell with hopes that he will respond.I hope he is still in the business.

    Dark harbour dulse

    Now accepting pre orders for 2023 harvest season. Please email: [email protected]


      how do I order the new harvest dulse, and what is the pricing?

      Steven Bass

      Hi Helen, I received your e-mail. Yes I will be able to get your dulse . Thanks for your business.


    In Ontario. My father is from St. Martins NB. He has stage 4 lung cancer and is going through Chemo. He randomly asked me to get him some Dulse.
    Please let me know how and where I can order them! Thanks so much!


      When I went to Grand Manan Island, they sold Dulce. I bought 2 packages and one is still unused. where about are you. I am in Thornhill, just north of Toronto, I can give you unused package to you.

    Mark Mewton

    I just got some in the mail here in Ontario, from back home in N.S.


      Can I ask where in Ontario?


    Omg really, with cottage cheese I will never think about it I’ll try it


    Dulse is delicious mixed into cottage cheese. Let it sit in the fridge for an hour or two before you eat it to blend the flavors.

    Graham B Fisher

    Crisp dulse in the oven then make a sandwich with it. It is delicious

    Colton Wilson

    Good morning,
    Now taking orders for dulse this up coming harvest season. Please call/email your order at 506-662-4808. Thank you

      Madonna Spinazola

      Hi, Just found this email lol left you a voice mail……I run Parker’s General Store in Hall’s Harbour, Nova Scotia. The store has been open for more than 120 years and is proclaimed to have the “best darn dulse” Fred and Vilda Parker are now deceased and I have learned that initially they bought their dulse from Grand Manan. We usually between 75 to 100 lbs during our season from May to October. I am very interested in sampling your product and discussing your wholesale cost. If you are able to send me a small sample , please send to Madonna Spinazola 4089 Hwy 359, Hall’s Harbour, NS B0P 1J0 thanks


      Hi do you have dulse and will you send to PEI?


    I am looking for prices of bulk kombo,wakame,Kelp and pulse.I am in B.C.Thank you.

      Colton Wilson

      Please contact for kombo and kelp prices

        Colton Wilson


    Linda Carlile

    I was born in Digby Nova Scotia. I remember seeing it drying on the docks. I love it and used to
    buy it on our trips back to see family. My uncle used to sell it in his store in Bridgetown, Annapolis County. When it’s back in season where can I get some shipped to me in AZ?

      Laura Lee

      There is a company I just discovered named Organic Matters. They have awesome dulse from the Bay of Fundy I ordered there a few weeks ago and was so delighted with the quality of the product that I put in a double order this week give them a try . They are from Nelson British Columbia. Fast shipping and I believe they ship I the United States as well


        I buy my Dulse from OMFoods 🙂
        I get the 5 LB. bags and they last me a long
        time. I put two tablespoons in my smoothie everyday.
        Amazing quality. Cya.


      Do you know you can get dulse with the dusty white salt still on it? I’ve picked it up pkged at the health food store a few times, but it isn’t the same. I would like the kind of dulse I grew up with, picked and dried with the dusty salt that melted on your tongue. Thanks if you do.

    Judy Paton

    Nanna used to bring dulse to Maine from Nova Scota when I was but a child. I am now 76 going on to 77. I really like dulse and have not had the pleasure of it for years. My sister in Unity asked me to look you up as she has ordered dulse before and lost the connection to order it.

    Rod Gillis

    My mom was from St. John ,NB, and as a child, I visited there for years as a kid. I ate Dulse from Grand Manan Island for a number of years. It was chewable and tasty and I really developed a liking for it. Recently I bought Dulse from Super Store and it was “rubber”, meaning it wouldn’t break up in your mouth but it had the flavor of real dulse. I have to think that a lot of companies are selling this product and not offering the same seaweed that is “real dulse”. There is a world of difference between the “real dulse” and rubbery impostors that have the flavor but you can chew them forever and thus take the pleasure out of the eating experience. Real dulse breaks up in your mouth and is pleasurable to chew but this “rubber” impostor is just not worth it, especially when one knows the difference.


      Yeah, I’ve run into that problem with dulse. I’m in Halifax ,I’ve eaten dulse all my life . I have found the last few times it was a bit rubbery, you would chew it for ever it seemed. I now leave the bag open and let it dry out ( takes over a week in some cases) . It works but a pain in the ass 😉

    Jim Fogarty

    I would like to buy a five pound box of Dulse to be shipped to Arizona.
    In the past I was able to find “farmer” and buy direct from them.

      Colton Wilson

      from grand manan, I have harvest dulse, can ship you some whenever you like! text or call 506-662-4808. thanks

        Lisa Mills

        How much for a large bag of dulse Colton? Im originally from Saint John and grew up on it . I now live in Halifax NS. We used to get it at the City Market and my mom used to send it to me , however she recently passed away and with Covid , i havent been able to get home to buy any.


        How much per bag? I am wanting a few bags


    Hi, how to order dulse to Ontario (in kilos)?

    sam phillips

    Hi I purchased some at sobeys in Fredericton and I’m wondering if it is vegan and gluten free? Thanks


      It’s just dried seaweed.


    My Mum & Dad bought bulk dulse from the Sun-Ray store in the Saint John market for years. The dulse was stored in large wooden bulk tea boxes. Here is my Mum’s trick to getting the dulse just the way you like it. If your on hand supply of dulse is too damp, store it in a paper bag for a while; if it is too dry store it in a plastic bag. As kids at my aunt’s we also placed dulse on the flat iron plate of the kimac combination oil wood stove and cooked it so it was crunchy. We always thought the choice dulse occurred in layers that you could peal off and eat. It often had small deposits of powdered salt and sometime a few weeny muscles attached.


      I often carried a large paper grocery bag almost as big as me from the store filled with just dulse.


    I am located in Calgary, how do I purchase some dulse?


    Yes, is there a way to purchase through your site.


    Chengyi Wang

    Hello, I lived in quebec, would you please tell me 100 g dulse dry price, 454g dulse dry price.
    thank you very much!

    Gary Stewart

    Could you send me 3lb of dulse to ontario


    Would you please be kind enough to tell me if you ship to Australia. I am wanting about 2lbs worth.


    Meant to say it sounds like everyone’s opinion of perfect or not worthwhile is different, these are my preferences. I must say that it sounds scary that my $6.9.9 45 g packages have a 3 year expiration on the package. It’s crazy. Any comments?


    You guys are confusing me a bit. Sixty years of loving dulse, my experience is that the best is the salty stuff that melts in my mouth. Past decades have provided me with the stuff that hurts to chew, is rubbery and chewy with only the occasional tasty biou morning or the winter, or whenever.

    Convince me and I’m your customer in Ajax, Ontario.

    (My stores here no longer sell it – obviously outpriced themselves with rubbery dry stuff for $6.99 for 45 g and I was their only customer.)

    Angela Tate

    I am from Grand Manan and I have been buying amazing dulse from Steven Bass for 30 years. We usually buy enough to have in the freezer for all winter. I freeze it in the “Costco peanut butter jars” It freezes so well in the container and actually tastes just as fresh and crisp and when we bought it. You can stuff quite a bit in a jar . Saves taking a whole bag out when you want a taste. Even out of the freezer it last a fairly long time in the air tight container.

    Tom Younis

    Greetings, what would the cost be for 2 pounds of dulse shipped to the U.S. Postal code 02559. Thanks

      Steven Bass

      I ship dulse to the states. If you want I can find out the cost to ship 2 lbs to you. i live on Grand Manan Island Canada, N.B. Home phone-506-662-8118. Cell phone- 506-662-5852.


    I would like to order some dulce to be sent to BC. (Probably 2lbs) Would you please let me know how to do this and confirm the cost and shipping too. Thanks!!

      Steven Bass

      Contact Steven Bass. 14 Johnston Lane . Grand Manan N.B E5G- 2B7. Home Phone 506-662-8118. Cell Phone 506-662-5852.


        How much is your dulse and how much to ship to BC? Thanks


      East Coat Catalog..They carry it. Single bags (35g) or 6 six (35g) bags. I get mine from them.

    Christine M Raynes

    Hello, I bought a big bag of dulse and it’s really hard.. How can i make it soft? I put it out in the sun and it got even harder!

      Steven Bass

      The way to soften dulse is take it out of the bag and allow damp air to get to it.


      Christine, I have been eating Dulse all my life, I get 20 or 30 lbs each year from Slocum & Ferris in the St John market, and my parents and grandparents got it there as well. When the Dulse gets hard, put it in a plastic bag with broken up pieces of bread throughout the Dulse. Unfortunately it has become so expensive, not sure how much I can afford this year, and I used to have it sent by bus to Toronto but they no longer run, so it will be by post. $$$ Enjoy your Dulse I eat it with every meal.

    Judy Walsh

    Can you freeze dulse?

      Margaret Betts

      Yes it can but only in paper bags!

      Steven Bass

      The best way to freeze dulse is to put it into ice cream containers, or peanut butter jars or something similar. When you want dulse to eat just take out the amount you want and then put the cover back on and put it back in the freezer. It will stay fresh this way because the air cannot get to it which will change the texture of the dulse. Dulse properly dried should be hard and clean. I have harvested dulse for 47 seasons. I started this as a young boy with my Dad. I also sell dulse all across Canada. My address is 14 Johnston Lane. Grand Manan N.B. E5G-2B7. Home Phone 506-662-8118. Cell Phone 506-662-5852. I have never had to advertise, People contact me just through word of mouth.


        Hello. do you ship outside Canada and the US?


    I can ship for 30$ a pound call 902-245-2028 or e email [email protected] I’m in digby nova Scotia right on the bay of fundy best dulse in the world thanks muchly Shawn Mitchell

    Madonna Spinazola

    Hi: Parker’s General Store has been selling (the best darn dulse around) for more than 100 years. If you travel to Nova Scotia check out Hall’s Harbour “Home to the Highest Tides in the World” Come in and taste the this protein natural seeweed . it is an acquired taste but oh so very good for you….Check us out on FB Parkers General Store, right on the Bay of Fundy…


      Hello: I want to buy some ‘real’ dried dulse such as my family gathered from near Blomidon at really low tides a hundred years ago,( I am 96). Can you ship one or two pound packs to Victoria B.C.,. Price negotiable. Thanks for help, GMB.


        I can ship for 30$ a pound

        Steven Bass

        Hi. I harvest dulse and sell dulse. I have been in this business for 47 years. I started working in the dulse harvest when I was 10 years old. I can ship you dulse no problem, I do it all the time.Whoever you buy from, fresh dulse should be hard dry and clean. My address is 14 Johnston Lane. Grand Manan. N.B. E5G-2B7. Home phone 506-662-8118. Cell Phone 506-662-5852.

      Steven Bass

      The best dulse in the world comes from Grand Manan Island. Canada N.B. We are located in the bay of Fundy. I have been harvesting and selling dulse for the past 47 seasons. I know what I am talking about. We harvest dulse on the western side of Grand Manan, from Long Eddy Point to Southern Head. This is all classified as Dark Harbor Any one advertising dulse as the best dulse in the world is false advertising if the dulse is not harvested on the western side of Grand Manan.

    Blanche MacDonald am from New Brunswick and I just ordered 3 pounds of dulse (cost approx. $ 80.00) from Slocum & Ferris. It is, in my opinion the worst dulse. I wanted the ‘dark’ dulse (which is kind of rubbery, very tasteful and you can actually peal it without any trouble and still keep its taste and goodness. The stuff I got is dark purple and melts in your mouth that if you hold it for a minute or so it’s gone. There’s no chew to it or crunchy in any way. I will never order it from there again, especially at $80.00 for 3 pounds. You guys can order whatever you want but you have not tasted dulse that I love. Anybody out there know what i mean?


      lol Blanche, my family picks dulse for a living here in Nova Scotia. What you got has wilted, sitting around in the humid air. Dulse will change during the picking season, but if you want the good stuff, its the dark crispy fall dulse freshly dried. If its not consumed in a few weeks it will wilt. Often we would tell people to freeze it, as it will keep it from wilting a bit. If you wanted to purchase directly from them, you could send an email to my mum’s soap company, she sells smaller amounts – [email protected] (bayside classic soaps)


      I know exactly, there r 2 kinds. One is darker and has salt on it and tender and not hard and crunchy ..kind I prefer and its is too dried out. Cut a potato about size of egg and dulse will suck moisture from potato and in a couple day be wonderful. The other kind is tough, chewy forever and just plain awful. It can be helped with the potato method of remoisturiaing.

    Trofel Lteee % Maurice

    I have a Natural Health Food Store in Cape Breton and I would be interested in buying some Fundy Dulse. How do I go about it. Information Please as soon as possible.

    Thanks, Maurice

      Steven Bass

      Hi. I harvest dulse and cell dulse. I have worked in the dulse harvest for 47 seasons. I started working in the dulse harvest as a young boy at the age of 10. Whoever you buy dulse from it should be dry and clean. I can provide you with the best dulse their is going. If you need references i can get you lots of those.. My Address is 14 Johnston Lane. Grand Manan. N.B. E5G-2B7. Home phone 506-662-8118. Cell Phone 506-662-5852.


    Google dulse processors on grand manan island N.B.

    Caroline Ishii

    Does anyone know if Canadian dulse is available in Japan or how I can find out? I am a chef and author from Canada writing a cookbook on Canadian food, which will be launched in Japanese by a Japanese publisher in April 2018. I am in Tokyo until the end of April working on the book and promotions. One of the recipes in the books mentions Canadian dulse. I would like to use it in the promotional events for the book in Japan and let readers know where and how to buy dulse. Thanks!

    r mackay

    is it possible to arrange a personal trip to have the experience to pick dulse?


      It grows wild, just walk along a decent beach and harvest.


    Who ships grand manan dulse to United States?? I love Grand manan dulse…My mother was from Canada, so I grew up eating it..Just can’t get the good dulse here!!!!??!


      Slocum and Ferris ship to the states


        I was just in touch with Slocum and Ferris, my dulse supplier in Saint John, NB – apparently the last batch did not dry properly and they won’t have any more until June 2018 🙁


      Where is here?

    David Brandal

    We are a new Maritime company who ships our top quality dulse all across Canada. We Currently are setting up in shops in Ontario, you can contact us through our website for direct shipping. Or contact us to find out what cities stores we will be in this month…

      don keating

      want to get some dulse sent to me in the states, from .S.J. live in palm springs, california desert


      My dad lives in Raymond, Maine. He loves dulse… I want to buy some for his 90th birthday. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Any advice??


        Hi! I was just in the Bay of Fundy (St. Martin) a couple weeks ago and had the pleasure of tasting this and now I have friends asking for it. Anyone know where I can buy this and have it shipped to southern Ontario?

        Steven Bass

        Hi . My name is Steven Bass. I live on Grand Manan Island located on the Bay of Fundy. Canada New Brunswick. I have harvested dulse for 47 seasons, I started this job when I was 10 years old. I worked with my dad in the dulse harvest industry as well as the weir fishery for herring. I harvest dulse and sell dulse. My dulse is clean and dry,the way it should be. Although some people prefer it a bit soft because they find it easier to chew and the flavor is more enhanced. I sell dulse all across North America. I can provide you with all the references you need to prove my reputation for perfect dulse. My home number is 506-662-8118. my cell phone # is 506 -662-5852.

    Carl Avery

    If your interested in dulse call me 416-209-9810 I live in fundy Bay and can get it


      416 isn’t a fund bay area code. I call shenanigans.

        Nancy Look

        Who ships grand manan dulse to United States?? I love Grand manan dulse…My mother was from Canada, so I grew up eating it..Just can’t get the good dulse here!!!!??!

        Nancy Look

        Where is shanaigans…..What is there phone number??

    Rosan Butt

    I too have been trying to get Dulse (Fundy Dulse) shipped to us here in Ottawa, Ontario. I looked up Fundy Dulse and sent a request as to if its possible to buy in bulk and ship.

      Mark DeWitt

      I live in Ottawa and am looking for a source. Did you have any luck?

        nigel troop

        Beautiful Grand Manan dulse available now at Metro store at Beechwood location in Ottawa Ontario.

        Steven Bass

        Hi. My name is Steven Bass. I live on Grand Manan Island, In Canada N.B. I have been harvesting dulse for 47 seasons, I started this business at the age of 10 years old. I worked with my dad in the dulse harvest and in the weir fishing industry. I sell dulse all across North America. My dulse is clean and dry, the way it is suppose to be, Although some people prefer it a bit soft because it is easier to chew and the flavor is more enhanced. I can give you countless references if you want to buy some dulse. My home phone# is 506-662-8118. Cell phone # 506-662-5852.

    Rosean Moody

    I am living in Welland, Ontario, but am from Saint John, N.B. and wamt to buy some dulse and have it shipped


      try Slocum & Ferris in the SJ City Market. They ship all over.

    Larry Beckingham

    How can I buy dulse and have it ship to Thunder Bay ON. What is the cost of buying and shipping .Thanks Larry

      Bay of Fundy

      We don’t sell it ourself, but if you google “sell dulse online” or “buy dulse online” you’ll find some stores that do.

    Andrew Geldart

    I am interested in finding out if you sell dulse, and ship it to Ontario. Mt father was from New Brunswick, and I grew up eating dulse. Needless to say it is not that easy to find in Ontario.
    Thank you.
    Andrew Geldart

      Bay of Fundy

      Hi Andrew, we don’t sell dulse ourself however if you google “sell dulse online” there seem to be several websites that do. I’ve never had to order online, so I can’t really make any recommendations. If you find a good online source, would you please share it here?

Let us know your thoughts