Loyalist Heritage

In 1783 the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and thousands of Loyalists fled New England to establish a new life in Europe, England and other parts of British North America. Read "Loyalist Heritage"
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In 1783 the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and thousands of Loyalists fled New England to establish a new life in Europe, England and other parts of British North America. Read "Loyalist Heritage"
It's 2011 and we'll start the new year with the first article in our new "52 reasons" series. As you know, this year the Bay of Fundy might get elected as one of the new Seven Wonders of Nature, which is why we will reveal one enticing reason to visit the Bay of Fundy every week, for an entire year! First up: Rockhounding! Read "Rockhounding"
Starting January 2011, to celebrate that we might be elected as one of the new Seven Wonders of Nature in that year, we will — over the span of 52 weeks — reveal 52 reasons to visit the Bay of Fundy; that's one reason for each of the 52 feet of tidal water we experience twice daily! Read "Introducing: 52 Feet, 52 Weeks, 52 Reasons"